Zakres materiału-  Konkurs "Mistrz English Adventure"  klasy 3  2018


-        kolory

-        zwierzęta egzotyczne (zebra, elephant, rhino, hippo,
bird, lion, giraffe, tiger, antelope, crocodile, parrot)

-        zwierzęta  (dog, cat, duck, rabbit, horse, mouse, fish, goat, frog, squirrel, owl,
seal, tortoise, whale)

-        części twarzy (face, eye, tooth/teeth, hair, ear, mouth, chin, nose)

-        części ciała  (arm, neck, body, finger, leg, foot/feet, toe, head, hand, tummy)

-        zabawki  (doll, teddy bear, cowboy, dinosaur, spaceman, ball, kite, train, plane, skipping rope)

-        przybory szkolne  (pencil, pen, computer, ruler, rubber, book, backpack / bag, pencil case,
crayon, scissors)

-        jedzenie, potrawy, owoce /fruit/, warzywa/vegetables/ (spaghetti, peas, milk, water, salad, cheese, ice cream, banana, apple, pear, grapes, plum, strawberry, sandwich, chicken, water, chocolate, chips, biscuits, rice, carrot, honey, soup, meat, cake, tomato, onion, mushroom, bread, fish, cucumber)

-        przedmioty w domu (lamp, bed, table, chair, cupboard, box, bath, wardrobe, bowl, plate, spoon; 
pomieszczenia: bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, toilet) garden

-        ubrania (hat, T-shirt, sweater, dress, jeans, trousers, skirt, shorts, trainers, shoes, boots, coat, scarf socks, belt, jacket)

-        nazwy czynności  (swim, run, walk, jump, dance, climb, hide, fly, paint, go for a walk, roller skate, sing)

-        nazwy członków rodziny   (mum, dad, brother, sister, granny, grandad)

-        rodzaje pogody  (cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, windy, stormy, cold, hot)

-        słówka opisujące wygląd zewnętrzny  (moustache, earrings, beard, glasses)

-        pory roku  (spring, summer, autumn, winter)

-        nazwy dni tygodnia  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

-        nazwy miesięcy (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)

-        określanie uczuć (tired, happy, sad, angry, hungry, thirsty, worried, scared, surprised, bored)

-        nazwy owadów (butterfly, ant, bee, fly, beetle, stick insect, grasshopper)

-        opisywanie dnia (I get up, I play, I have a shower, I have breakfast, I go to school,  I work, I have dinner, I go home, I have supper, I go to bed)

-        nazwy dyscyplin sportu,  (football, tennis, basketball, swimming, diving, riding, roller skating, volleyball)

-        miejsca w mieście (cinema, library, police station, school, park, café, zoo, shop, park, hospital, museum)

-        element krajobrazu (river, mountain, lake, field, forest, town, city)

-        słówka związane ze Świętami Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanocą (Christmas, Christmas tree, reindeer, stocking, pudding, candle, present, Easter, rabbit, egg, chick, sweets)

-        hobby, czas wolny (scooter, bike, skateboard, ride a horse, ice skate, play board games, watch TV, do ballet, do karate, do gymnstics, have English lesson, have art lesson, have music lesson, go hiking, go fishing, go camping)

-        środki transportu (bus, car, train, plane, boat, bike, lorry)

-        przymiotniki (new/old, fast/slow, heavy, beautiful, strong, tall/short, long/short)

-        podawanie drogi (turn right, turn left, go straight on, stop, start)

-        instrumenty  (guitar, piano, violin, trumpet)

-        godziny  (pełne godziny i "połówki" np. It's one o'clock, it's half past one)

      -    liczby 1-100



I've got / She's got / He's got

-  I haven't got / She hasn't got/
He hasn't got


          np: The book is next to the pen.

-  CAN     np: I can dance.  Pytania: Can you dance?     Przeczenia: I can't dance.

-  I like / I don't like

-  I'm wearing... / She's wearing... /
He's wearing...


-        What's your name?

-        How are you?

-        How old are you?

-        What's your lucky number?

-        What's the weather like today?

-        What's your favourite day / colour / animal / number/ month?

-        What time is it?

-        What are you wearing?

-        Are you scared of... ?   np. Are you scared of the dark?  (Czy boisz się ciemności?)

Słówka, zwroty

-        small, big, long, short                      - be careful                                  - friend

-        scary (np. scary monster)                - wake up!                                    - people                                                                                

-        ghost                                                - wing                                           - good idea!

-        ring                                                 
-       fruit                                                    -  English

-        king, queen                                     -  Idon't know                              - healthy

-        prince, princess                               - boy / girl                                     - tall / short

-        umbrella                                           -happy birthday                          - watch /zegarek/

-        spaceship                                          - scooter                                        - TV